Llama's Notes

03 August, 2006


Virtually vexing virile virgins voraciously vetoes vegetation. Vince Vaughn vacates vestibular vestibules and vouches very venally. Vuck! I can't think of anymore 'V' words.

So I've heard, V is for Vendetta, or so the movie V for Vendetta says. Well, that's not good enough for me. Don't get me wrong, V for Vendetta was an excellent movie, but I disagree simply with the title. Why? Because. It is a blatant rip from our big blue friend, Cookie Monster. He has always said, and I agree, that "'C' is for Cookie, and that's good enough for me." Observe:

Know what also starts with C? Clyde. Now, if I was Cookie Monster, I would sue the producers for this disregard of his own copyrighted material. Or, I'd demand a movie exactly like V for Vendetta, and produce it myself. Oh Cookie monster, its seems that you're already two steps ahead of me...

So. V for Vendetta is a superb movie, so instead of a truthful comparison, I give you this:

Here's to you cookie monster!


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