KFC and Strep Throat Do Not Mix!
For centuries, or at least since it was invented, many people have sought out the knowledge of what the KFC chicken batter is, and what it is made of. After long years (minutes) of research, I got the facts (thoughts in my head), I have discovered the true secret to KFC's batter. If you don't like it, feel free to sit helplessly at your keyboard as I come over and hip-check you out the window.
KFC Chicken Batter
1/2 Cup Sewage Waste*
1/2 Cup Jaundice Infected Eyeballs
1/4 Octopus Testicles
1 TBSP. Nitroglycerin
1 Koosh Ball
1 Cup Cocaine
1/2 tsp. Powdered Feminist Ovaries
1/2 tsp. DRANO Pellets
1 Cup Shit
Cream Sewage and body parts. Beat in Nitro and Koosh. Blend in dry ingredients. Add shit. Coat chicken in batter with penis and drop onto un-lubed ass. Put in oven at 375° for 10-12 minutes.
*If no sewer available, eat some normal shit with spaghetti. Vomit out half, and shit the rest. Mix.
If this doesn't make you queasy to eat at KFC again, I don't know what will.
Holy Horny Pancakes Batman!
At 08:38,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
That was amazingly funny as you might have heard with me laughing right beside you. Cup shit!
At 20:43,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
1 Cup Shit. I laugh again
At 09:28,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
2 Cups Shat
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