Finished(Swedished?) Blogging
Tis not what you think lads and lasses. I have returned.
That is the last, and I mean last time I leave the country without telling people. God, the crap I had to sift through after getting back, I can't believe I did it.
For those who didn't already know/are too inept to figure it out, my friend Ian hasn't posted one post since he joined my team, and hasn't contacted me either. Naturally, I climbed aboard the Hindenclyde, and set course for Visby, Sweden.
Blimps are slow.
After a week of travelling through the skies aboard the Hindenclyde, I landed in Visby, alledged hometown of my Swedish comrade. With his picture in hand, I went about inquiring the townsfolk of his whereabouts. Nobody had seen the man in the picture... I began to wonder why emus don't fly.
Sweden has an equivalent to Zellers called Sticka!, and I decided to go there for a good deal on shampoo. I noticed it had a restaurant, so I thought I'd grab some breakfast. Remembering Bono's affection for eggs, I ordered mine over easy. The chef almost killed me.
After barely escaping with my life, I decided to return home, but crashed over in Edinburgh for a few weeks, and then made my final flight in the Hindenclyde back to my headquarters.
For those of you who think I wasn't actually in Sweden/Scotland, I'll prove it to you. "But Clyde," you say "I've seen you/talked to you since September!" No you haven't. It wasn't really me. It ws my own personal hologram, Margoloh. Observe:

I win.
Oh, and to those who didn't think I was blogging during my time away, I proved you wrong. 'Blogg' in swedish means 'to take a two month vacation'. I rule your minds, friends.
Case closed.
That is the last, and I mean last time I leave the country without telling people. God, the crap I had to sift through after getting back, I can't believe I did it.
For those who didn't already know/are too inept to figure it out, my friend Ian hasn't posted one post since he joined my team, and hasn't contacted me either. Naturally, I climbed aboard the Hindenclyde, and set course for Visby, Sweden.
Blimps are slow.
After a week of travelling through the skies aboard the Hindenclyde, I landed in Visby, alledged hometown of my Swedish comrade. With his picture in hand, I went about inquiring the townsfolk of his whereabouts. Nobody had seen the man in the picture... I began to wonder why emus don't fly.
Sweden has an equivalent to Zellers called Sticka!, and I decided to go there for a good deal on shampoo. I noticed it had a restaurant, so I thought I'd grab some breakfast. Remembering Bono's affection for eggs, I ordered mine over easy. The chef almost killed me.
After barely escaping with my life, I decided to return home, but crashed over in Edinburgh for a few weeks, and then made my final flight in the Hindenclyde back to my headquarters.
For those of you who think I wasn't actually in Sweden/Scotland, I'll prove it to you. "But Clyde," you say "I've seen you/talked to you since September!" No you haven't. It wasn't really me. It ws my own personal hologram, Margoloh. Observe:

I win.
Oh, and to those who didn't think I was blogging during my time away, I proved you wrong. 'Blogg' in swedish means 'to take a two month vacation'. I rule your minds, friends.
Case closed.
At 18:30,
Selena said…
Holy Crap Clyde, that's the best excuse for not updating EVER!!!
At 18:34,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
That makes up for everything with the million times I laughed, you live again and are off notice
At 18:36,
Chris Nagy said…
YAY Clyde is back! That was close one. Unlike tier 2L, third tier active protest is permanent. I love you, cullen. No I LOVE you, love you. Call me, pickle
At 18:38,
Chris Nagy said…
and by that I mean for Cullen whome I've nicknamed pickle to call me on the phone. Not for everyone to start calling me Pickle. My name is Edward, or Phoen--*Cough sputter cough* Nagykin skywalker, XanderA, AnderX, or my new favourite, Bono.
At 11:41,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
I actually wonder how you did that picture. Even the hologram has a shadow... Thats fucked up Dr. Tran. I am actually wondering if that hologram is real now. If so. I need to mass order holograms from you
for various purposes
At 16:11,
Chris Nagy said…
No no. All he did was take one picture, then move to the other side of the room and take the other picture and then merge them using photoshop. making sure to touch up certain parts so that it looks like he's fisting himself. Surprise Clyde! I Know all your secrets!
At 09:35,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
Whatever, give me a holoclyde!
At 14:14,
Lee "Emperor Wayne" Johnston said…
k, its been eleven days. the people want more
At 11:33,
Chris Nagy said…
you posted one. Crank out a couple more clyde! I'll mushroom tatoo your face
At 00:19,
Clyde said…
Hold yer goddamn horse people. You can't rush art! Geez. Never fear, more will come soon.
At 00:20,
Clyde said…
That's horseS, lural. Horses. If you have horses to hold. If not, use your pants. If you're not wearing any, like me right now, just grab somethin' else.....
At 00:21,
Clyde said…
Course that's plural, with a 'p'....
At 17:51,
Selena said…
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