Finished(Swedished?) Blogging
Tis not what you think lads and lasses. I have returned.
That is the last, and I mean last time I leave the country without telling people. God, the crap I had to sift through after getting back, I can't believe I did it.
For those who didn't already know/are too inept to figure it out, my friend Ian hasn't posted one post since he joined my team, and hasn't contacted me either. Naturally, I climbed aboard the Hindenclyde, and set course for Visby, Sweden.
Blimps are slow.
After a week of travelling through the skies aboard the Hindenclyde, I landed in Visby, alledged hometown of my Swedish comrade. With his picture in hand, I went about inquiring the townsfolk of his whereabouts. Nobody had seen the man in the picture... I began to wonder why emus don't fly.
Sweden has an equivalent to Zellers called Sticka!, and I decided to go there for a good deal on shampoo. I noticed it had a restaurant, so I thought I'd grab some breakfast. Remembering Bono's affection for eggs, I ordered mine over easy. The chef almost killed me.
After barely escaping with my life, I decided to return home, but crashed over in Edinburgh for a few weeks, and then made my final flight in the Hindenclyde back to my headquarters.
For those of you who think I wasn't actually in Sweden/Scotland, I'll prove it to you. "But Clyde," you say "I've seen you/talked to you since September!" No you haven't. It wasn't really me. It ws my own personal hologram, Margoloh. Observe:

I win.
Oh, and to those who didn't think I was blogging during my time away, I proved you wrong. 'Blogg' in swedish means 'to take a two month vacation'. I rule your minds, friends.
Case closed.
That is the last, and I mean last time I leave the country without telling people. God, the crap I had to sift through after getting back, I can't believe I did it.
For those who didn't already know/are too inept to figure it out, my friend Ian hasn't posted one post since he joined my team, and hasn't contacted me either. Naturally, I climbed aboard the Hindenclyde, and set course for Visby, Sweden.
Blimps are slow.
After a week of travelling through the skies aboard the Hindenclyde, I landed in Visby, alledged hometown of my Swedish comrade. With his picture in hand, I went about inquiring the townsfolk of his whereabouts. Nobody had seen the man in the picture... I began to wonder why emus don't fly.
Sweden has an equivalent to Zellers called Sticka!, and I decided to go there for a good deal on shampoo. I noticed it had a restaurant, so I thought I'd grab some breakfast. Remembering Bono's affection for eggs, I ordered mine over easy. The chef almost killed me.
After barely escaping with my life, I decided to return home, but crashed over in Edinburgh for a few weeks, and then made my final flight in the Hindenclyde back to my headquarters.
For those of you who think I wasn't actually in Sweden/Scotland, I'll prove it to you. "But Clyde," you say "I've seen you/talked to you since September!" No you haven't. It wasn't really me. It ws my own personal hologram, Margoloh. Observe:

I win.
Oh, and to those who didn't think I was blogging during my time away, I proved you wrong. 'Blogg' in swedish means 'to take a two month vacation'. I rule your minds, friends.
Case closed.