First off, I'd like to say thank you to our readers, such an excellent job we've done voting for Stephen! Just after watching the Report, I know that he is now - in the polls - at over 17 000 000 votes! Holy crap! That dwarfs(gnomes?) the former leader by 15 000 000 votes! Good job everyone!
Now, as many of you know, I annually attend Musicfest as a volunteer. As fewer of you may know, there is also a store in Richmond BC that I encountered called 'Big Crazy', pictured below. It is, essentially, a chinese supermarket. My brother and I would go in there, point and laugh at the mis-translated engilsh. There were things like Wild Acid Jube-Jubes, and Chicken-Taste Noodles. It brought such hilarity, that it spread through Musicfest like wildfire, and has become an ongoing joke since then.

Alone, this store is pretty funny in itself, and I'm looking forward to returning to it this May. But... there's more!
A friend of mine in Indiana, spotted this store in a town, ironically, named Fort Wayne, IN.

Medium crazy?! What the hell? I thought that this Crazy phenomenon was indigenous to Richmond, but no! Apparently America has one too, but just Medium, not as Crazy as BIG Crazy, just medium. So, Canada has the Super-size version, but is this true? Who was made first?
What comes next in this story bewildered me. Another friend of mine in London, UK (do I know someone from everywhere?) photographed
this store in his city, and e-mailed it to me:

What started off as a funny inside joke has spread all over the freakin' world! Now BIG CRAZY isn't so funny anymore, at least, not to these friends. They have their respective Medium and Small Crazies. This also leads me to wonder, I don't have a friend in every country... could there be other crazies? Perhaps an Extra-Large crazy, or a 34 waist - 32 long crazy. Is it limited to clothing sizes? or can it be other things too? High Crazy? Low Crazy? Maximum 60km/h Crazy? East Crazy? There are so many possibilities! If anyone has information on other ___ Crazies, please, please e-mail me about it!